Conditions and Disclaimer


  1. By registering for Mobility|Society Live 2022, you are agreeing to receiving the Mobility|Society Newsletter.

  2. Photography/Videography
    Please note that photographs and footage will be taken throughout the Mobility|Society Live event. These will be used by the organising committee and University for marketing and publicity in our publications, on our website and in social media or in any third party publication. Please contact the event organiser at if you have any concerns or if you wish to be exempted from this activity.

  3. Privacy statement
    We will use the data you provide (your name, organisation, position and email address) exclusively to register you for this event and to establish a picture in advance of the type of participants who have registered. We will not pass on your data to third parties and, if we wish to do so at any time, we will do so only with your consent. After the event, your data will be stored for twelve months in order to send you any correspondence that may be required pursuant to the event. At the end of that twelve-month period, your data will be removed from the records created for the event.
    Please read our full privacy statement here.

Cancellations & refunds

The Mobility|Society Live team hopes that everyone who books a ticket for the event will be able to attend. However, we know that extenuating circumstances do occur. The  cancellation and refund policies are as follows:

  • Bookings cancelled on or before 2 weeks before the event are fully refundable.
  • Bookings cancelled after 2 weeks before the event will not be refundable. The refund and cancellation policy will not be waived; however, ticket(s) may be transferred to another individual if indeed they uphold the same booking type i.e., TU Delft student, staff, employee or general admission.
  • In the event that Mobility|Society Live must be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances, we will refund all bookings. However, we do not assume responsibility for any additional costs, charges, or expenses; to include, charges made for travel and lodging.


After the ticketing form is completed, the payment can be made via the online registration system.

Online Payment module
We offer several options for online payment (available options may vary) via our payment processor Mollie logo(Mollie B.V.). This processor accepts payments with cards, and other local payment methods on websites and mobile applications.

Once your payment has been processed, you will receive an immediate confirmation and an invoice for your booking.
Promotion code
If you have received a promotion code, you will be able to report this when finalizing the payment.

Bluebox Events, as organising PCO of the Delft University of Technology for this event, will handle the online payments and are we exempted from VAT. Stichting Blue Box Events | Delft University of Technology ,  P.O. Box 5048 | 2600 GA Delft Stevinweg 1 | 2628CN Delft | +31 (0)15 278 4915 | | Kamer van Koophandel 64133125 


Although BlueBox Events (BBE) will ensure within reason that services provided for this event are supplied, the supply of such services is not within BBE's control, and so it shall not be liable in any way to the participant for any loss or damage if any of such services shall wholly or partially fail or cease to be available. The participant shall not be entitled to any allowance in respect of sums paid or due under this Agreement. BBE takes no responsibility for the acts or omissions of any supplier of products or services (exclusive or otherwise) to the participants (including without limitation the participants) or for inaccurate copy instructions. BBE shall have no liability to the participants for any loss or damage it may suffer as a result of any act or omission of such suppliers.

The oganisers cannot be held responsible for any loss, injury or damage to any property, whatever the cause may be. Should, for any reason outside of the organisers' control (e.g., political or economic circumstances or in the case of a 'force majeure') the venue or speakers change, or the event be cancelled, the organisers will endeavour to re-schedule or cancel, but shall not be held responsible for any costs, damages or expenses incurred by registrants as a result of this aside from a possible refund. The attendee takes part in the event at his, her or their own risk.

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