Ruben Terlou

Ruben Terlou (1985) is a documentary maker, photographer and physician. He studied Mandarin in China and medicine at the University of Amsterdam(Cum Laude).


Before, during and after his studies he worked as a photographer, particularly in China and Afghanistan. He won several Silver Camera prizes with his series, notably the Prize for Innovative Photojournalism in 2016. That year also marked his television debut, with the successful series "Langs de Oevers van de Yangtze" (Along the banks of the Yangtze), broadcast by the VPRO. Partly due to his fluent mastery of Mandarin and disarming interview style, he offered a surprising view of contemporary Chinese Society. Terlou's debut on television was nominated for the Silver Nipkow disc in 2016.

Early 2018, the sequel series "Door het hart van China" (Through the Heart of China) came out, followed by an exhibition of Terlou's photo work from China in Museum Hilversum. Currently Terlou is working on a new series for VPRO on healthcare worldwide.


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